Out Of Control Politicians + Internet Stock Trading = Trouble

So what happens if there is no agreement in Washington by our politician employees by the tax cut deadline and our economy falls over the so called fiscal cliff? What does that mean to people like you or I who do internet stock trading for a living? How will our politician employees, who were hired to represent their employers to the best of their ability, make sure that our economy, their employer’s economy, does not slow down and stagnate?  Our politician employees, while frequently doing things that are completely ridiculous, are very consistent in at least one area; they operate under a system of crisis management.  Everyone in the country that is interested or at least paying attention has heard by now that Bush era tax cuts that have been in place and extended are about to expire.  This is no secret; regardless of if the average person on the street does not know what the fiscal cliff actually means or how it will impact them personally the politician employees that we hired to represent us certainly know.  They have also known for quite some time that there is a specific deadline and some sort of action must be taken to avoid the tax increases that most economists believe will slow down the already slow US economy to a crawl at best.

My questions are:  Why hasn’t this already been taken care of?  Why are the politician employees that we hired and pay to take care of such things for us procrastinating, posturing and wasting time when they have all been very clear on the fact that there is a drop dead date associated with the current tax cuts that we have all enjoyed?  Why is this even a relevant issue at this point when it should have been cleared up months ago?

The only answer that I can come up with is that for some reason our politician employees must believe that the drama and fighting and bickering that they have been doing over this issue somehow justifies their existence.  Each side must somehow believe that if they didn’t put up a very loud and obnoxious public fight their employers/bosses, who of course are us tax payers, would somehow realize that they aren’t doing their jobs very well and may possibly (hopefully) replace them all when the next opportunity to do so comes around.  Maybe this is all a diversion meant to create the illusion that they are worth the money and benefits that they receive from us during the time they are in our employ and of course for life.  I have never been able to figure out what any politician employee could possibly do in their career of representing us to garner a lifetime stipend with no reduction in pay or benefits.  Oh yeah I almost forgot, you just have to be in a position to vote your own lifetime salary and benefits into law riding on the backs of working people many of whom cannot afford to pay to keep their own homes or feed their own children while the politician employees relentlessly suck them financially dry.  They may even believe that a loud and very public debate will make them appear as though they are actually earning their salaries so they can continue to fall down in most other areas that are less publicly presented.

Maybe creating a loud and very public scene will get the attention that our politician employees clearly need and are looking for but I believe that most employers would prefer their employees go about their business and do the jobs that they were hired to do in a calm, quiet and professional manner.  If employees in the private sector acted the way our politician employees act they would be fired immediately and rightfully so.  I just hope that our politician employees are right in the respect that the loud and inefficient way that they conduct our business will continue to get allot of attention so that when the next opportunity for rehire comes up we will remember this and fire every one of them.  Hopefully we will be able to find replacements for each of them that will actually do the jobs that they are overpaid to do and move our country forward.  If that doesn’t happen, of course, they can be fired as well.  Maybe someday we will even find politician employees that will vote to end the lifetime stipend and benefits that we all have to pay.  Supporting your own family is tough enough but having to support former politician employee’s families is disgusting.